
India issues 3 NOTAM warnings for missile tests : Agni Prime, Pralay SRBM & ITCM tests on the card

Source : IgMp Bureau

India issues 3 NOTAM warnings for missile tests : Agni Prime, Pralay SRBM & ITCM tests on the card
Agni Prime Ballistic Missile (File Photo)

India has issued three NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) warnings for the launch of experimental flight vehicles in the Bay of Bengal this month.

The first NOTAM is for the period for 14th to 15th October for a designated area that has a maximum length of 740 kilometers which is expected to be the test of the Indigenous Technology Cruise Missile (ITCM) which is a technology demonstrator program that will use the Nirbhay cruise missile airframe to test the indigenous manic engine which will power the LR-LACM (Long-Range Land Attack Cruise Missile).

The second NOTAM is for a maximum length of 301 kilometers and for a date period between 19-20th October that could be the test of the Pralay short-range tactical missile, while the third NOTAM is for a maximum length of 1,682 kilometers and for a date period between 21st-23rd October which is likely the new generation Agni Prime medium range ballistic missile.

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