LSP-7 LCA-Tejas Mk1 to start Gun Trials Soon
LSP-7 LCA-Tejas Mk1 has reached Nashik to commence trials of the Russian-made Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-23 twin-barreled 23 mm autocannon gun that was recently revealed by Dr. Anantha Krishnan of Tarmak Media House. LSP-7 will carry out a fresh round of ground trials and calibration trials before it is cleared for flight testing sometime next year.
HAL had carried out the last round of Gun Trials in 2015 and IAF had granted FOC exemption due to which FOC Tejas carried 23 mm autocannon guns but were not cleared to operate them since certification was still pending that has recommenced now.
In our old report, we had said Gun trials were aborted in 2015 due to other priorities in the program which were much more significant and also due to initial estimation by the ADA and IAF Team that it will require nearly two years for the completion of the Gun trial certification by trial and error method usually associated with onboard guns certification in all fighter programs.
GSh-23 autocannon gun was introduced to IAF with the induction of second-generation Mig-21 and Mig-23 Interceptor from the early ’70s. It was also found on Mi-24 Hind Gunship Helicopters that have served with Indian Air Force. GSh-23 autocannon gun which is manufactured locally in India by OFB is a reliable weapons system that has proved its mettle over the years and many old technicians of the Gun have been roped in to fix any teething issues with the aircraft which may crop up when the gun trials begin next year.
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