
Italy offers 100 Black SharkTorpedoes for Indian Kalvari class submarines

Source : Indian Defence Updates (IDU)

Italy offers 100 Black SharkTorpedoes for Indian Kalvari class submarines
Loading of a Black Shark torpedo on an Italian Type 212A submarine

India and Italy have agreed to the co-development and co-production of Defense equipment in India.

Italian firm Leonardo is keen to restart negotiations for the sale of 100 Black Shark new generation heavyweight torpedo that was selected by the Indian Navy to be armed on the 6 Kalvari class submarines in 2016 but the deal was canceled due to Agusta Westland helicopter scam.

Black Shark heavyweight Torpedoes have already been incorporated into the submarine tactical integrated combat system suite of the Kalvari class submarines and it won't require upgrades to the system. 

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