
Project-75I : Only German and South Korean offers remains the two viable options left in the tender

Source : Indian Defence Updates (IDU)

Project-75I : Only German and South Korean offers remains the two viable options left in the tender
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Recently IgMp reported that the Ministry of Defence cleared key changes in the Project-75I tender related to the liability clause but no changes have been made in the requirement of a proven AIP system which means that only Germany and South Korea are the only two viable contenders left in the Project.

France, Russia, and Sweden have already withdrawn their names from the contest because they don’t have a proven AIP system and the Spanish offer of the S80 Plus submarine also hangs in balance since the 3rd S80 Plus submarine is to be delivered to the Spanish Navy in 2026 will be the first to get an AIP system, that means currently Spain doesn’t have a proven AIP system, making them almost ineligible in the current scenario, leaving Germany and South Korea as the two remaining contestants in the project.

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