
HAL and IAI starts process to find used Boeing 767 airframes to perform low cost conversion into MMTT ; IAF may opt for 18 more such aircraft later

Source : IgMp Bureau

HAL and IAI starts process to find used Boeing 767 airframes to perform low cost conversion into MMTT IAF may opt for 18 more such aircraft later
Representative Image

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) have started the process to find suitable used Boeing 767 airframes at low cost to perform its conversion into Multi-Mission Tanker Transport (MMTT).

The Indian Air Force is working with Hindustan Aeronautics to decide the final configuration for the first six units and the Air Force might have to procure 18 more units that can be configured for troop movement and cargo transfers.

A ten-year-old Boeing 760 aircraft will cost around $90 million while a 20 years old aircraft will cost $65 million and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and Israel Aerospace Industries will replace and upgrade all major parts of the structure wiring and systems and will equip new engines and new military-grade avionics.

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