
New 76 kn Kaveri engine for Futuristic Unmanned Fighter Aircraft (FUFA)

Source : IgMp Bureau

New 76 kn Kaveri engine for Futuristic Unmanned Fighter Aircraft (FUFA)

As per the latest reports, the redesigned Kaveri engine core is much more stable and all technical issues related to the noise at high throttle testing and combustion flicker has been fixed and have been validated multiple times on the ground.

Rigged trials of the 46 kilonewton Kaveri dry engine being developed for the AURA UCAF program, the plan of Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) to complete the initial flight release by the end of 2024 has been slightly delayed as the high altitude trials of the Kaveri dry engine on a Russian IL-76 aircraft in Moscow has been delayed.

The IL-76 will cruise at an altitude of 6,000 meters to check the engine performance and each flight will last around 1 hour and a total of 50 such flights will be conducted over few weeks after trials begin in Russia.

GTRE has developed a new fan section with an improved radar cross section and is also working on a new afterburner section for the engine which will be able to deliver 76 kilonewton of thrust which can be used on unmanned platforms like Futuristic Unmanned Fighter Aircraft (FUFA).

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