
India issues 2 more NOTAMs for Missiles Tests


India issues 2 more NOTAMs for Missiles Tests
New NOTAM warnings issued

India has issued a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) for a launch of an experimental flight vehicle in the Bay of Bengal for the period for 16-17, 22-24 as per information provided by Twitter user @detresfa_. the designated area for first NOTAM is 739 km that indicates that it will probably will be test of cruise missile and second designated area for NOTAM is for 1272km that probably will be for a Ballistic missiles.

For the month of December, DRDO already has tested Pinaka Enhanced Rockets, SANT Anti-Tank Missiles, Supersonic Missile Assisted Torpedo (SMART), BrahMos-A and VL-SRAAM missile. Experts believe that due to prolonged monsoon season and frequent cyclones and depressions near the Chandipur test range this year many of the missile tests that are experimental in nature and carried highest risk factors were kept pending and now are being cleared to meet program deadlines.

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