3rd vessel of the Arihant class, S4 SSBN to enter sea trials in 2023 Admin IgMp8/20/2022 09:31:00 PMSource : Indian Defence Updates (IDU) S4 SSBN coming out of the dry dock in Shipbuilding Centre, Vizag (Image Credit : Janes Intel Planet) I...
WATCH: Latest Satellite Image Reveals Arihant-class S3 & S4 SSBN boats Admin IgMp8/19/2022 08:39:00 PMSource : IgMp Bureau Arihant class SSBN (Image Courtesy: Covert Shores) First full view of S4 SSBNs has emerged out on twitter. The submarin...
Big News : India quietly launches S4 SSBN, prepares it for sea trials, S4-star to follow soon Admin IgMp12/30/2021 11:08:00 AMSource : IDRW and Twitter S4 SSBN coming out of the dry dock in Shipbuilding Centre, Vizag (Image Credit : Janes Intel Planet) India’s third...