
MoD intends to procure 120 Fast Interceptor Craft-Indigenous for the Indian Navy

MoD, intends to procure 120 Fast Interceptor Craft-Indigenous for the Indian Navy
Fast Interceptor Craft of the Indian Coast Guard

Ministry of Defence, intends to procure 120 Fast Interceptor Craft-Indigenous for the Indian Navy from registered Indian Shipyards. The FIC-I would be constructed in a phased manner over a period of 4 years from 2026 to 2030.

The FIC-I shall be capable to carry out water from patrolling of coastal areas including harbour infrastructure such as the Command Headquarters, Naval Bases, Naval Dockyards, Break Water, Naval Jetties etc. Inherent to this capability would be to escort high value units while entering / leaving harbour. FICs will provide protection to the strategic assets located in the vicinity of naval bases and operate with force protection vessels and other craft deployed.

In addition, FICs will carry out interception of high speed craft and seaward anti-terrorist patrols for security of coastal installation, naval harbours and own coast. Additionally, FICs will carry out independent deployments for minimum one day at sea including surveillance around group of islands. The FICs will also provide medical act as water ambulance for casualty evacuation of persons in the need of urgent medical attention.

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