
Indian Air Force plans to lease some AWACS as temporary solution until 6 Netra Mk2 comes

Source : Indian Defence Updates (IDU)

Indian Air Force plans to lease some AWACS as temporary solution until 6 Netra Mk2 comes
Representative Image (A Royal Air Force E-3 Sentry over North Yorkshire)

After the plan to procure two additional Israeli Phalcon AWACS failed to materialize mainly due to high cost and the plan to procure more Netra Mark 1 AEW&CS was also not followed due to allegations of kickbacks in the $208 million dollars aircraft deal with, Brazilian manufacturer Embraer, the Indian Air Force is now planning to procure a few AWACS on short-term lease.

And this leased AWACS are planned to be used until the 6 Ex Air India A-321 based Netra Mk2  AWACS being developed by the DRDO which will be ready within next 4 years that is around 2026.

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