
India's S-400 system to have its own Air Defence Cover

Source : IDRW

India's S-400 system to have its own Air Defence Cover
Russian S-400 Triumf Air Defence System along with other sub Air Defence Systems

The Indian Air Force will complete the deployment of the first regiment of S-400 at an airbase in Punjab by February to take on threats from both Pakistan and Chinese airspace. All Forward Airbase have Close range Air Defence systems deployed in the vicinity to protect valuable assets at the base but the deployment of a few S-400 systems at few forward bases also makes them more vulnerable to saturation attacks by using low-cost sub-sonic or Stand-Off Weapon.

Deliberations are been held to provide additional air defense cover to such a forward airbase that doesn’t require the S-400 system to engage expensive missile system to defend against low-cost saturation attacks where the attacking side hopes to take out S-400 system advantage by overwhelming the defending side’s said officials familiar with the matter to

Akash Mk1 n Mk2 both have showcased amazing ability to take down sub-sonic cruise missiles, PGMs, Armed UAVs as close as 200 meters from their launchers that might now provide inner ring security cover to the S-400 and airbase systems against such aerial weapons while S-400 will be used to take out air-launch platforms at long range.

S-400 as part of its missile family has a short-range 40 km Interceptor missile that plays the role of neutralizing weapons and providing cover to the S-400 battery. S-400 is highly mobile and can be repositioned in a short duration but prior intel on its installation position can make them vulnerable to saturation attacks that will need additional deployment of ADS that can protect not only the S-400 system that comprises long-range radar, a command post vehicle, target acquisition radar and launchers but also solidify inner air defence cover to the base and all important installation near its vicinity.

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